We’ve learned that the metabolism is a process and not an actual body part.
It harmonizes two essential bodily functions: converting food into cells/tissues, and breaking cells down to provide energy. We learned that the former process is known as anabolism, and the latter is catabolism.
Indeed, it’s this latter process that influences our ability to lose weight, and to keep it from coming back!
Yet going beyond the biological basics, we also learned of 3 integrated aspects of speeding up metabolism and losing weight.
These aspects were categorized in terms of: exercise, lifestyle, and diet. And within each of these 3 categories were a total of 11 important, practical, and quite easy ways to boost metabolism.
Now, indeed, it’s the time for action; for as they say, wisdom is the result of experience, not study! Obviously, of course, it was essential for us to understand this subject and how it relates to boosting metabolism. So in that light, study is invaluable. But now you’re equipped with the knowledge that you need.
The next step – boosting your metabolism – is all up to you. Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your better, leaner healthier life!